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January 19, 2011

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, Louis Napoli, John Foulkes, Tom Bell, Anne Giannelli, and Igor Conev (Mann Properties).

Board Members Absent: Mike Bufano, James McDonald.

1. Reading and Approval of the Draft Minutes of the CDS Board Meeting of 11-10-10. A motion to approve the draft minutes of the CDS Board Meeting of 11-10-10 was made by John Foulkes and seconded by Tom Bell. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Financial Review: Igor Conev (Mann Properties) reviewed the financial information.

a. Checking (1010, 1012) $ 19,491
b. Money Market Improvement Fund (1080) $ 11,042
c. Assessments Receivable

i. Condo Fees (1310) $ 8,265
ii. Special Assessments (1330) $ 0
d. Accounts Payable (3010) $ 2,923

Bills Paid since 11-10-10:
12/14/10 AP0000 1176 254.80 Town of Ocean City 8957-53948
12/14/10 AP0000 1177 2,639.00 APM TERMITE & PEST MGMT. TERMITE RENEWAL
12/14/10 AP0000 1178 150.00 D & B PLUMBING HEAT TAPES AND THERMOSTAT
12/14/10 AP0000 1179 229.87 DELMARVA POWER 2144 1799 9999
12/14/10 AP0000 1181 1,484.39 MANN PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT FEE 12/10

3. Business of the Condominium:

a. Parking Lot Resealing and Resurfacing. Joe reported that the resealing and resurfacing of the parking lots is completed, with the exception of patching around the telephone boxes and sealing around the areas where the speed bumps were removed. These items will be completed in the spring.

b. Canal Ice. Joe reported that Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) needed to chop around the pilings in the canal on 7 occasions in order to break up the ice. Tom Bell, who had his own de-icer in the canal, reported that there was no incidence of ice in the vicinity of his unit.

c. Update to the Association By-Laws. Igor Conev (Mann Properties) reported that he did not receive any volunteers for serving on a committee to assemble a list of items to be included in an update to the by-laws. The plan would be to use an attorney to include these items, along with any items conforming to current laws and policies, into a standard by-laws format. Joe suggested that the Board again announce a call for volunteers: ANY ASSOCIATION MEMBER WHO WISHES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMMITTEE, PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO IGOR CONEV, AT MANN PROPERTIES ( In addition, Joe suggested that if any unit owner desires to identify items on his or her own, please submit such items to Igor.

d. Annual Meeting – Joe. The Annual Association Meeting for 2011 will be at the Blue Ox Restaurant, May 21, 2011, at 10:00am.

4. New Business. None discussed.

5. Old Business. None discussed.

6. Committee Reports. None discussed.

7. Violations. None discussed.

8. Adjournment. Having no further business, Anne Giannelli made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lou Napoli. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm.

NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – Wednesday, February 16, 2011, at 8pm.