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August 25, 2010

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, John Foulkes, Mike Bufano, Anne Giannelli and Igor Conev (Mann Properties).

Board Members Absent: Tom Bell, James McDonald, and Louis Napoli.

1. Reading and Approval of the Draft Minutes of the CDS Board Meeting of 07-21-10. A motion to approve the draft minutes of the CDS Board Meeting of 07-21-10 was made by John Foulkes and seconded by Anne Giannelli. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Financial Review: Buck Mann (Mann Properties) reviewed the financials listed below.

a. Checking (1010, 1012) $ 51,658
b. Bank of OC Money Market (1080) $ 11,023
c. CD (1070) $ 0
d. Accounts Receivable

i. Condo Fees (1310) $ 3,407
ii. Special Assessment (1330) $ 0

3. Business of the Condominium:

a. Loan from Bank of Ocean City – Update. Joe stated that Igor Conev (Mann Properties) had recently contacted the Bank of Ocean City to request an extension of the draw period on the loan. The bank approved an extension of a month, to September 14. Mike Bufano stated that the association would need to cover the upcoming insurance bill (approximately $39,000) and C/W Builders for the piling repair. Buck will contact the insurance company determine if a financing plan is available to cover the insurance bill.

b. Front-side Piling Repair – Update. Joe stated that he had asked Walt Smelter of C/W Builders to join the conference call to discuss the details of the front-side piling repair. Walt reported that all repairs have been done except for 5 pilings, including the one at unit 722. With respect to the piling at unit 722, Walt stated that because an electric line is buried right next to the piling, he will defer this repair until after the Labor Day weekend, when traffic is down at the 700-building and he can shut down the power for the repair with minimal disruption. For the repairs already completed, Walt said that he had to cut deeper than expected around the pilings, on some occasions down six feet. The procedure involved cutting a 3-foot square out of the asphalt around the piling, hand digging the hole, then drilling through the piling to determine the degree of decay. If the piling had to be repaired, the procedure involved shoring the building, cutting and removing the damaged piling piece, then taking a new pole, cut it to fit, and brace it to the original pole with stainless steel braces bolted to hold the two pilings together. C/W Builders took several photos of the damaged and repaired pilings, and Joe will post them on the Casa Del Sol website. Joe reported that the bill for work completed was recently paid to C/W Builders, noting a $2,150 cost overrun due to C/W having to dig deeper than expected around the pilings that were subsequently repaired.

On a related note, Walt also mentioned that he noticed sand has been washing out from underneath the backside of the east end of the 600-building. He stated that this could eventually lead to instability of the deck which is supported by the footers into the sand. He also expressed concern about washout at the junction of the front foundation headers and asphalt at the base of some units. Joe stated that these items will be discussed at a future board meeting.

Walt left the conference call at 8:30pm.

c. Updates on Miscellaneous Repairs – Fence on East End of Building 600. Joe stated that he has commitments from 4 or 5 volunteers, maybe looking at a few weeks after the Labor Day weekend to do the repairs.

d. Updates on Miscellaneous Repairs - Drain pipe on rear side of Building 770. When the city made us add the gutters and downspouts, we found that there were 2 pipes in the ground that had collapsed in the rear of building 770. An inspection by Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) determined that neither downspout line was connected to the actual lines that leave the property. One had actually broken. Charles indicated that he should be able to find the lines that leave the property, and if they are clogged, he will disconnect them, put in a new line, and hook both downspout lines into the one.

e. Report on Furniture Left in the 600-block. Joe reported that he was told by a unit owner in the 600-building that old furniture was discarded and placed near the trash bin on the west end of the building. Joe informed Igor Conev (Mann Properties) to see if a bulk pickup had been ordered. Igor subsequently reported that no bulk pickup had been requested. Igor requested a pickup, and as is the policy, the unit owner will be billed for the pickup charge. Joe stated that the furniture had been picked up. As a reminder to all unit owners, if you have a bulk pickup requirement, call the number posted by the trash cans at either end of each building.

4. New Business.

a. Fire Pro Proposal - Update. Igor Conev (Mann Properties) reported last week via email that repairs have been completed and the bill paid.

b. Request for Front Door Replacement. A motion to approve the request by Anne Giannelli for replacement of both front doors (unit 622) was made by Mike Bufano, seconded by Joe Sheare, and carried unanimously. Joe stated that approval of all requests for front door replacements must comply with all local and county regulations, and with the additional restriction that the doors be white.

c. Updating the Association By-Laws. Discussion ensued on what steps to take to review and update the association’s by-laws. Joe reported that Igor had received one bid a few weeks ago from an attorney to do the work, and Buck Mann indicated he would get a second bid. It was decided to wait until at least the December board meeting for a vote on how to proceed.

5. Old Business. None discussed.

6. Committee Reports. None discussed.

7. Violations. None discussed.

8. Adjournment. Having no further business, Mike Bufano made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Anne Giannelli, and carried unanimously. Adjournment was at 9:01pm.

NEXT CDS BOD MEETING (Proposed) – Wednesday, September 22, 2010, at 8pm.