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July 21, 2010
Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:07 p.m. via conference call.
Participants: Joe Sheare, John Foulkes, Mike Bufano, Louis Napoli, and Igor Conev (Mann Properties).
Board Members Absent: Tom Bell, James McDonald, and Anne Giannelli.
1. Reading and Approval of the Draft Minutes of the CDS Board Meeting
of 06-23-10. A motion to approve the draft minutes of the CDS Board Meeting
of 06-23-10 was made by John Foulkes and seconded by Lou Napoli. The
motion passed unanimously.
2. Financial Review: Igor Conev (Mann Properties) reviewed the financials listed
a. Checking (1010, 1012) $ 55,390
b. Bank of OC Money Market (1080) $ 11,014
c. CD (1070) $ 0
d. Accounts Receivable
i. Condo Fees (1310) $ 9,077
ii. Special Assessment (1330) $ 0
Igor also noted that the next big bill, upcoming in August, is the condominium hazard insurance, approximately $50,000.
3. Business of the Condominium:
a. Front-side Piling Repair – Update. Joe stated that all repairs to the front side pilings have been completed, except for the pilings at units at 616, 622, 624, and 628. For these pilings, C/W Builders has to dig around and have the engineer (Harry How) inspect them to determine the underground extent of the repair necessary. Also, there is one piling that requires electricity to be turned off due to the proximity to underground cables. These repairs will be completed in the fall so as not on inconvenience the unit owners and renters during the season.b. Updates on Miscellaneous Repairs – Fence on East End of Building 600. Unit owners have volunteered to replace the fence when the heat backs off some. Joe Sheare, John Foulkes, Charles Kinelski, and Louis Napoli have volunteered to complete the project. Any other owners interested in helping please contact Joe.
c. Updates on Miscellaneous Repairs - Drain pipe on rear side of Building 770. When the city made us add the gutters and downspouts, we found that there were 2 pipes in the ground that had collapsed in the rear of building 770. Lou Napoli suggested that Joe ask Charles Kinelski if he would to dig around in the rear of the building in an attempt to locate the collapsed pipes, and decide what the next steps ought to be.
4. New Business.
a. Fire Pro Proposal. On June 30, we received a proposal from Fire Pro, for $378.17 to enclose the wire just between the pull stations and bells on the rear of building 770 to avoid water intrusion. This is a follow up to the Board’s rejection last year of enclosing all of the fire alarm wire on the rear of the building. After some discussion, Lou Napoli made a motion to accept the bid and have the repair done, seconded by Joe Sheare. The motion carried unanimouslyb. Renting of Boat Slips. During the July 4 weekend, it was reported that the owner of unit 732 had rented his boat slip (slip only, not the unit) to someone for the week. Concern was expressed that this could set an undesirable precedent, not to mention the legality and liability of renting the boat slips separately. Igor Conev (Mann Properties) indicated that this practice is prohibited. It was agreed that a warning will be sent the owner of unit 732. As a reminder to all unit owners, unless a unit has been rented out, in which case the renter may use the associated boat slip, it is prohibited to specifically just rent out boat slips.
5. Old Business. Joe reported that repairs to the carport of unit 654 have been completed.
6. Committee Reports. None discussed.
7. Violations. None discussed.
8. Adjournment was at 8:37pm.
NEXT CDS BOD MEETING (Proposed) – Wednesday, August 25, 2010,
at 8pm.