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June 23, 2010
Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. via conference call.
Participants: Joe Sheare, John Foulkes, Mike Bufano, Louis Napoli, James McDonald, and Igor Conev (Mann Properties).
Board Members Absent: Tom Bell, Anne Giannelli.
1. Reading and Approval of the CDS Special Board Meeting Draft Minutes
of 05-15-10. A motion to approve the draft minutes of the CDS Special Board
Meeting, held immediately following the Annual Meeting, was made by John
Foulkes and seconded by Lou Napoli. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Financial Review: Igor Conev (Mann Properties) reviewed the financials listed
a. Checking (1010, 1012) $ 32,862
b. Bank of OC Money Market (1080) $ 11,013
c. CD (1070) $ 0
d. Accounts Receivablei. Condo Fees (1310) $ 572
ii. Special Assessment (1330) $ 450
3. Business of the Condominium:
a. Front-side Piling Repair – Update. Joe Sheare reported that C/W Builders began work on June 21 to repair the damaged pilings. C/W estimates that it will take 2 to 3 weeks to complete the work, with the exception of one piling. For this piling, C/W must carefully dig around the base where it meets the asphalt. Based on the Miss Utility markings, C/W will have to shut off the electricity to the building to perform the work, and it was decided to delay the repair until the fall on this one piling. Repairs on all others are proceeding as planned.
b. Increase in Condominium Fees - Joe. Joe and Mike Bufano reiterated the need to gradually increase the yearly condominium fees, rather than having special assessments, thus increasing the reserve funding to pay for capital improvements. For the calendar year 2010, the annual fee was raised by 15 percent. Although no vote was taken during this meeting, the Board agreed that a 5 percent increase starting in calendar year 2011 would be reasonable.
4. New Business.
a. A motion was made by Lou Napoli to approve a request for replacement of front entry and storm door, submitted to the Board via Mann Properties, dated June 5, 2010, from owner of unit 708. The motion was seconded by Joe Sheare, and passed unanimously.
b. A motion was made by John Foulkes to approve a request for new storm door, submitted to the Board via Mann Properties, dated June 21, 2010, from owner of unit 770D. The door is “Emco Forever”, 32x80, white with brass hardware. The motion was seconded by Joe Sheare, and passed unanimously.
c. A request was made through Mike Bufano by the owner of unit 654 (Mike’s email of June 10, 2010) for drywall repair under the carport. Both Joe and Mike agreed that of all the damaged drywall under the carports of the CDS units, the one for unit 654 was the worst. Since the estimated cost to repair this is under $500, the Board requested that Igor Conev (Mann Properties) contact a drywall company to get a quote, and if the quote is indeed less than $500, to go ahead and authorize the repair.
d. Joe reported that the fence on the east side of the 600-building (the fence by the side gate) needs replacement. Joe visited Home Depot and determined that 9 fence sections, at $25 apiece, would be needed, using the existing 4x4s. This is a repair to the fence, and is not an improvement or encroachment on the neighboring property. It was mentioned that the work could be done during the July 4th weekend with the help of a couple of volunteers, and the decision was made by the Board to proceed with the purchase of materials and the repair.
e. Joe reported that the drain pipe on rear side of the 770-building is broken and needs repair. Lou Napoli stated that he will look at it during the July 4th weekend and effect repairs.
5. Old Business. None discussed.
6. Committee Reports. None discussed.
7. Violations. The owner of one of the units in the 770-building reported via email that during the previous weekend, teenage renters in Unit 770B were drunk outside in the early morning hours, urinating off of the finger pier, and throwing lawn chairs into the canal. There was no written report. The Board reiterated that all formal complaints must be supported through submission of the standard complaint form (a copy is provided on the website). It was decided that Igor Conev (Mann Properties) will send an email to the owner who sent the original email asking if the owner wants to file a formal complaint and submit the form.
8. Adjournment was at 8:35pm.
NEXT CDS BOD MEETING (Proposed) – Wednesday, July 21, 2010,
at 8pm.