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August 19, 2009
Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m. via conference call.
Participants: Joe Sheare, Mike Bufano, Louis Napoli, John Foulkes, Tom Bell and Buck Mann (Mann Properties).
Board Members Absent: Bob Siskind and James McDonald.
1. Reading and Approval of the 7/22/2009 Draft CDS Board Meeting Minutes. A motion to approve the draft minutes was made by Tom Bell and seconded by
John Foulkes. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Review of Financials: Mike Bufano reported the financials as listed below.
a. Checking $ 32,931
b. CD $ 532
c. Savings $ 0
d. Accounts Receivablei. Regular Assessment $ 2,127
ii. Special Assessment $ 12,395e. Line of Credit $ 40,000
In his review of the financial information, Mike stated that with respect to the Special Assessment Accounts Receivable, the owners of units 630, 642, 672, 714 and 722 are in arrears. A motion was made by Mike Bufano to assess a late fee and interest to the above unit owners except the owner of 642. With respect to the owner of unit 642, it was determined that the credit for the windows covers the amount in arrears. The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and carried unanimously.
a. Front Side Renovation Update.
i. Punch List – Walt Smelter reiterated that the best way for unit owners to contact him regarding follow-up to the front side renovation is to call him at his office phone number (410-352-3001), and not send him email messages. Walt summarized his efforts to correct the following problems as identified by the unit owners. The water issue with the front side vent for Units 634 and 718 was fixed. (Walt stated that after Labor Day, he will inspect all of the vents to ensure the springs are tensioned properly to prevent rain water from entering the vent).
Walt also reported that the majority of the issues raised by the owner of Unit 620 have been corrected. He also stated that he will trim and caulk where necessary under each carport damaged by the front side renovation, and both ends of the 600 building and the one exposed end of the 700 building.ii. Over-Budget Items – With regard to the issuance of over budget payment coupons to the unit owners as reported in the minutes of last month’s Board meeting, Buck Mann (Mann Properties) agreed to check on the status of the mailings.
A correction to the item posted in last month’s minutes regarding the claim made by the owner of Unit 640 was made. The minutes are corrected to read: “After some discussion, the Board voted to deny the claim, with one abstention (Mike Bufano).”
b. Front Storage (“Cubby”) Doors Restoration Update. Joe reported that all the work is completed, and for any unit owner who still hasn’t received his/her key from Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) to give Charles a call and arrange for him to provide the new key.
c. Small Front-Side First Floor Window. As reported in last month’s meeting minutes, Joe received an estimate from Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) for preparing and painting the window frames. Charles’ estimate included significant prep work in addition to the painting, which made the estimate rather high. Joe recommended that the association purchase the paint and let the owners take on the job of prepping and painting their window frames. In addition, Joe recommended that the Board provide a set of suggestions for the owners in the hope that the work done would be of decent quality. After some further discussion, Tom Bell made a motion that Joe investigate what the cost would be to the association for purchase of paint. Further, the color should be the same color that Charles Kinelski used for the cubby doors; that instructions be provided to the unit owners for proper preparation and painting; and that the paint, when purchased, could either be picked up or delivered to the doorstep of the requesting unit owner. The motion was seconded by Joe, and all were in favor. A second motion was made by Tom Bell that the color for repainting of the main front door be the same as the color used for the cubby doors. The motion was seconded by Lou Napoli, and carried unanimously.
a. Critical Maintenance Projects. The Board discussed several projects that require attention in the near future: replacing rotting or broken pressure treated boards on the common back decking and finger piers; repairing and sealing the parking lots, and sealing or capping the canal-side pilings. It was agreed that the association is not in a position to make bids for the work; rather it was deemed prudent to try and collect estimates. Joe will provide additional detail to Mann Properties, who could then line up some estimates for the work.
b. Permanent Solution to Carport Ceilings. Same comment as above.
c. Fire Alarms. Based on a recent incident of a false fire alarm, the Fire Alarm Procedures were updated by Joe. Further, Joe recommended that the Board members familiarize themselves with the procedures, and also learn (from either Joe or Igor Conev (Mann Properties) the procedure to disable a false alarm.
d. Insurance Appraisal Update. The Board received a letter from Mr. Clay Mikolasy, a local insurance appraiser, recommending that an appraisal be done on the property, since the last one was done on October 23, 2007. The cost would be $125. A motion was made by Tom Bell to purchase the appraisal. The motion was seconded by John Foulkes, and carried unanimously.
7. VIOLATIONS. Regarding the violations noted for unit 664 during August 1
and August 2, 2009, the unit owner reported that the tenants were evicted
and repairs were being affected. However, the Board felt that a formal complaint
needed to be filed (this was received the morning of August 20, 2009), and
a warning letter be sent to the owner. Lou Napoli made a motion to issue
a warning letter to the owner of unit 664. The motion was seconded by Tom
Bell, and passed unanimously.
8. ADJOURNMENT was at 9:25 pm.
9. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – Wednesday, September 16, 2009 (proposed), at
8:00pm by teleconference.