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June 24, 2009
Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. via conference call.
Participants: Joe Sheare, Mike Bufano, Louis Napoli, John Foulkes, Tom Bell and Buck Mann (Mann Properties).
Board Members Absent: Bob Siskind and James McDonald.
1. Reading and Approval of the 5/16/2009 Draft Annual CDS Meeting Minutes. A motion to approve the draft minutes was made by Lou Napoli and seconded by Tom Bell. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Officers for the Upcoming Year. Lou Napoli made a motion to continue in
place the Board members currently serving as officers: President: Joe Sheare,
Vice President: Lou Napoli, Treasurer: Mike Bufano, and Secretary: John Foulkes.
The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and passed unanimously.
3. Review of Financial Results: Mike Bufano reviewed the financials as listed
a. Checking $ 3,207
b. CD $ 6,025
c. Savings $ 465
d. Accounts Receivablei. Condo Fees- $ (10,000) (Prepaids)
ii. Special Assessment $ 73,785e. Loan Payable $ 15,000
Mike reported that the association is in a cash flow bind due to the extra change orders from the front-side renovation and the timing of the payments from the unit owners. Also, the $15,000 loan from the Bank of Ocean City (BoOC) is due to be paid on September 6, as well as an expected insurance bill of $51,000 - $53,000, also due September 6. The quarterly payments of condominium fees as well as the payment date for the last installment for the front-side renovation are due July 1 from the unit owners. The Board asks that all owners pay the quarterly dues as well as the last installment to please remit by the beginning of July.
With respect to the loan to BoOC, Mike reported that the Board must formally approve a request for an extension of the line of credit. A motion was made by Joe Sheare that the Board authorize a request of renewal of the credit line by 1 year. The motion was seconded by Lou Napoli, and passed unanimously.
a. Front Side Renovation. Discussion ensued regarding the need for a plan to create a central issue log regarding open issues raised by unit owners regarding the front-side renovation project. The Board urges all unit owners to use the feature on the CDS website to contact the Board for all issues, front-side renovation related or otherwise.
There was also discussion regarding determining the front-side renovation over-budget charges and how to implement an assessment to the unit owners. A related issue brought up concerned a process for assessing the owners to begin building a capital improvement fund. It was decided that Mike would determine an estimate of the actual amount per unit and provide it to the Board members by July 3. In order to meet association bills, the notice will be sent to unit owners by the end of July, with payment due in the September time frame. Any adjustments as bills become finalized can be made later.
The Board agreed that a final walk-through of the front-side renovation project will be done, to include Walt Smelter (C/W Builders), Harry How (MAD Engineering) and Board members Joe, John, Mike and Tom next week. Joe will make the arrangements and send an email to finalize the time and starting location.
b. Front Storage (“Cubby”) Doors Restoration Update. All agreed that the work of Beach Brothers (Charles Kinelski) is excellent and is progressing nicely. As of last week, all of the cubby doors on the 700-building are done, and approximately half of the doors on the 600-building are done. After the 600-building is completed, Charles will do the doors in the 770-building.
c. Signage. Joe reported that at the time the annual budget was developed for this year, funding was allocated for 3 acrylic signs for the condominium buildings. However, due to the current budget issues, these signs have not been ordered and will be put on hold, as well purchases for the new white fences, until the budget gets healthy again.
d. Permanent Solution to Carport Ceilings Degradation. Joe presented an idea for a permanent-type solution to the carport ceiling degradation. His idea is to use an appropriate material (e.g., aluminum) as a soffit, with fireproofing material underneath, to cover the ceilings. Doing this would most likely eliminate the need for a sprinkler system from the fire marshal. Joe stated that he ran this idea by several builders, who thought that this could be a viable solution, although he cautioned that aluminum may be susceptible to corrosion. Joe offered to identify other materials and get price quotes. It must be pointed out that carport ceiling restoration was not part of the contract pertaining to the front-side renovation project.
a. Small Front-Side First Floor Window. At the annual meeting, some unit owners expressed an interest in re-painting the small window frame between the front door and the cubby door. After some discussion, Joe recommended that we use the same color that Charles Kinelski is using to restore the front storage (“cubby”) doors, and in fact, Joe will ask Charles when he sees him during the July 4th weekend for an estimate.
b. Broken Water Pipes. Several unit owners suggested that circuit breakers need to be locked to prevent them from being turned off. Buck Mann (Mann Properties) stated that it is possible to install a breaker with a lock on it, however after some discussion, it was decided that it would not be worth the extra effort, since there was only one alleged incident report last winter of a throwing the breaker. The Board will continue to work with its designated plumber to turn on the breaker in the fall and to check on it regularly.
c. Property Ground Cleaning. All Board members agreed that Beach Brothers (Charles Kinelski) is doing an excellent job in ground cleaning and maintenance. Tom Bell made a motion to continue the cleaning contract with Beach Brothers, and it was seconded by John Foulkes. All were in favor except Mike, who cited budget concerns. The motion passed.
a. Termites. Joe reported that when the 770-building was undergoing the front-side renovation, active termites were found on the first floor of the east end of the building. Fortunately, an exterminator was successful in eliminating the infestation, but nearly the entire first floor underlying plywood had to be replaced. Walt Smelter will be providing a detailed summary of the work done, and Mann Properties is seeking financial reimbursement from the termite company which is under contract with CDS. Fortunately, when the second story siding was removed and inspected, there were no additional infestations discovered. The entire east end of the 770-building is now completed.
b. Adjusting fees to begin to fund the capital improvement projects. This was covered in paragraph 4a. above.
7. VIOLATIONS. Discussion ensued regarding recent noise and behavior incidents in some of the units. It was recommended that when any incident is discovered, the unit owner should contact the renters making the disturbance and request that they cease the noise, etc. If the disturbance should continue, the unit owner may wish to contact the owner of the unit in question. If that does not help, they should contact the police and write up a CDS Complaint and submit it to the Board.
8. ADJOURNMENT was at 9:14 pm.
9. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – Wednesday, July 22, 2009, at 8:00pm by teleconference.