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April 15, 2009
Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m. via conference call.
Participants: Joe Sheare, Tom Bell , Mike Bufano, John Foulkes, and Bob Siskind.
Board members absent: Louis Napoli, James McDonald
1. Reading and Approval of the 3/18/2009 draft CDS Board Meeting Minutes and
draft CDS Executive Committee Minutes. A motion to approve and accept
both sets of minutes was made by Bob Siskind and seconded by Mike Bufano. The
motion passed unanimously.
2. Review of Financial Results:Igor Conev (Mann Properties)
reviewed the financials as listed below. The financial amounts were confirmed
by Treasurer Mike Bufano.
a. Checking $ 57,405
b. CD $ 50,434
c. Savings $ 6,462
d. Accounts Receivablei. Condo Fees- $ 63,241
ii. Special Assessment $ 89,614
a. Front Side Renovation - Update. Joe provided an update on the progress being made on the front side renovation project. With respect to the 600-building, the exterior siding on the upper floors of the last 4 units (614 through 620) remains to be installed, and work will proceed next week to begin removing the old exterior siding from the 770-building. Also, as a reminder to the unit owners remitting payment, please send payments to the Bank of Ocean City, not PNC. Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) is preparing an estimate to repair those carport roofs that are damaged due to the front side renovation. Charles will be able to use some of the material from the front side renovation project leftover by C/W Builders. Because of basic age and neglect of the carport ceilings, they will be placed on the Capital Improvement List for future renovation. Bob Siskind stated that a more permanent solution is needed to ensure that the carport areas are sustained over the long haul. Also, Joe reported that Walt Smelter (C/W Builders) is replacing slider screen door handles, as well as installing replacement screens for those whose screens have been torn, due to the original handles. Unit owners need to ensure that Walt still has unit owners’ keys to enter units to replace the handles.
b. Front Storage (“Cubby”) Doors Restoration Update. Joe provided an update on the cubby doors restoration. After reviewing the required materials with Beach Brothers (Charles Kinelski), Joe and Charles recommend the use of a latex, rather than oil-based paint on the doors, which reduces the per unit cost estimate to approximately $200. Charles has not started on the doors, awaiting the onset of warmer weather.
and commented on the proposed draft agenda of the annual meeting. The updated
draft agenda is attached to the minutes of this board meeting. Several items
were discussed.
a. Bob Siskind recommended that the agenda include an item to vote, in accordance with the IRS Resolution, to carry over any excess funds from the past year’s budget to the current year.
b. With respect to the agenda item concerning the front door and storm door replacement, Bob Siskind made a motion to ask, at the annual meeting, for volunteers to form a committee to address the issue of fire code, design, and color options for those owners wishing to replace their front door or front storm door. The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and passed unanimously.
c. Updating the owners’ directory was discussed. A recommendation was made to ask for a volunteer at the annual meeting to work with Mann Properties confirm the directory and notify Mann Properties of any changes.
a. Those unit owners desiring to attach or re-attach mailboxes should not attach them to the new siding. Mailboxes should be attached to the platform in front of the unit supporting the air conditioner/heat pump unit.
b. Mike Bufano indicated that one unit owner inquired about the association hosting a 4th of July festivity, such as a meet-and-greet or small parade in the parking lots of the buildings. Questions arose as to compliance with local ordinances and whether the association could cover some of the costs. It was recommended that the individual contact the Board with ideas, or ask that the individual bring it up at the annual meeting.
8. ADJOURNMENT was at 9:04 pm.
9. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – May 16, 2009, at 9:30am, preceding the Annual Meeting scheduled for 10:00am.
Prepared by:
John Foulkes
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors - Secretary