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February 18, 2009

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, Louis Napoli, Mike Bufano, John Foulkes, Tom Bell, James McDonald, and Buck Mann (Mann Properties). Walt Smelter (C/W Builders) participated from 8:30pm to 8:40pm.

Board members absent: Bob Siskind

1. Reading and approval of the 1/21/09 draft CDS Board meeting minutes and draft CDS Executive Committee Minutes. A motion to approve and accept both sets of minutes was made by Tom Bell and seconded by Louis Napoli. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Review of Financial Results: Buck Mann (Mann Properties) reviewed the financials, current as of 2-17-2009:

A. Checking $ 85,279
B. CD $ 200,000
C. Savings $ 6,457
D. Accounts Receivable

i. Condo Fees $ 2,639
ii. Special Assessment $ 181,389

Mike Bufano noted that as a result of discussions with Reid Tingle of the Bank of Ocean City, the association has invested in a 5-month CD earning 2 percent interest, with no penalty for withdrawal. The CD financial will now be included in the Financial Results of each meeting’s minutes.

Mike also elaborated on the Accounts Receivable financial. With respect to the January 1, 2009 due date for second installment of the special assessment, 9 unit owners made the due date, however 6 unit owners did not. The units that did not remit were 616, 630, 640, 664, 714, and 722. Louis Napoli made a motion that the association send letters to five of the six unit owners reminding them, as a first warning, of their failure to remit. Mike mentioned that he spoke with the owner of unit 640 and it was agreed to hold off with a letter until Mike makes an additional contact on Monday (February 23). The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and carried unanimously.

Mike mentioned that based on discussions with Igor Conev (Mann Properties) and Hanna Kremer & Tilghman Insurance Company, the association should purchase additional “Dishonesty Bond” coverage. The association is currently carrying a $100,000 limit, and it was recommended that it be increased to $300,000. The premium would increase by approximately $239 per year. Joe Sheare made a motion to authorize Mann Properties to purchase the increased coverage, seconded by Mike Bufano. The motion carried unanimously.


a. Front Side Renovation - Update. Walt Smelter (C/W Builders) reported that the renovation work is currently at unit 640 for the windows and sliders, and the new siding installment is up to unit 666. Again, Walt mentioned that the issue with installing the siding is the cold weather. Walt believes that the entire project should be completed by the second week of May.

b. Broken Water Pipes. With respect to those units that suffered broken water pipes, Buck Mann (Mann Properties) again confirmed that D&B Plumbing had turned on the heat tape circuit breakers last November. It was agreed that the question to be resolved was just exactly where each unit owner’s pipe broke. The association by-laws state that any damage not in the unit, i.e., below the cutoff valve, is the responsibility of the association. After some conversation, a motion was made by Louis Napoli that D&B Plumbing be engaged to examine each break and determine where each break occurred. The motion was seconded by Mike Bufano, and carried, with one opposed. Additional discussion ensued with respect to investigating and identifying a more permanent solution to the frozen water pipe problem, to include discussing a proposal submitted by D&B Plumbing. It was agreed to engage Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) to crawl underneath the units and identify possible solutions, and any decision on a “permanent remedy” would be tabled until Charles reports back.

c. Fire Alarm System - Update. Joe Sheare reported that with respect to the 700-building, new fire boxes and bells were installed and rewired, however, upon further investigation, Joe stated that the actual electronic system that runs the system wasn’t replaced and needs to be replaced most likely within the year. No decision was made as to how to proceed, however it was mentioned that it should be an issue for the Capital Improvements Committee to include.

d. Carport Damage. Tom Bell led the discussion on how to deal with damage on the underside of the units’ carports. This is not a result of the front side renovation work, but an observation that there is significant deterioration in many of the unit owners’ areas, to include gaps in the fascia where birds migrate into and nest, creating a nasty mess in the carport areas. It was decided that now is the time to fill the fascia gaps since the birds have yet to return due to the cold weather, and the Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) indicated that he might be able to expedite a fix by filling the gaps with an expanding foam sealant. Louis Napoli made a motion to have Charles provide a time and materials estimate to apply the foam, and the motion was seconded by Mike Bufano. Joe Sheare will get the estimate from Charles and make it available to the Board members to vote on electronically. It was mentioned, again perhaps as an issue to be taken up by the Capital Improvements Committee, that a long-term plan is needed for carport underside restoration.

e. Website Renewal. Joe Sheare reported that the Casa Del Sol Website is being accessed by more and more of the membership, and that the yearly sustainment fee is $162.76. The Board members agreed that the website is a valuable tool for the association. Mike Bufano made a motion to renew the website support and pay the fee, seconded by Tom Bell. The motion carried unanimously. Robin Sheare will provide an address to remit the payment.


a. Fiberglass Decorations - Update. The Board agreed to table this issue to a future Board meeting.

b. Mailboxes – Update. Tom Bell reported that his research on finding a suitable plastic mailbox was unsuccessful. He said he would continue to conduct his research, and the issue was tabled until the next Board meeting.

c. Request for Payment Plan – Unit 640. Covered in paragraph 2 of these minutes.

d. CY 2007 Audit and Accompanying Management Letter Update. No discussion.

e. 2009 Budget – Update. No discussion.


a. Capital Improvements Committee. Mike Bufano requested that discussions on committee activities be postponed until the next Board meeting.


FOLLOW-UPS: With regard to the running water issue in unit 672 reported in last month’s Executive Committee Meeting minutes (limited distribution), Tom Bell made a motion that the unit owner be fined $250 for gross negligence. John Foulkes seconded the motion, and the motion carried with one abstention.

7. ADJOURNMENT was at 9:26 pm.

8. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – March 18, 2009 at 8:00 pm by conference call.

Prepared by:
John Foulkes
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors - Secretary