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January 21, 2009
Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. via conference call.
Participants: Joe Sheare, Louis Napoli, Mike Bufano, John Foulkes, Tom Bell, Bob Siskind (joined the conference at 8:25pm), and Igor Conev (Mann Properties). Walt Smelter (C/W Builders) participated from 8:30pm to 8:50pm
Board members absent: James McDonald
Reading and approval of the 12/10/09 CDS Board meeting minutes. A
motion to approve and accept the minutes was made by Mike Bufano and seconded
by Tom Bell. The motion passed unanimously. .
Review of Financial Results: Igor Conev (Mann Properties)
reviewed the financials:
Account Balances as of 1-20-2009:
1. Checking $ 318,577
2. Savings $ 6,454
3. Accounts Receivablea. Condo Fees $ 7,170
b. Special Assessment $ 212,157
Review of Last Year’s Audit and Accompanying Management Letter. Mike Bufano led a discussion regarding findings in the management letter associated with audit performed on the Association for the year ending December 31, 2007. The Board agreed unanimously that it needed to address the items requiring corrective action, and Mike will work with Igor Conev (Mann Properties) to remove the negative findings. Specifically, in addressing one of the findings, Mike and Igor will develop a plan for building the case that the Board members possess the appropriate financial competencies to understand and to improve various internal control processes. In addressing another finding, Mike made a motion to reimburse the Association’s Replacement Fund with the amount that was borrowed from it in 2007 and placed in the Operating Fund. Tom Bell seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
In a related item regarding internal control processes, Tom Bell stated that
it is customary for companies to have 2 individuals approving company expenditures
to cover invoices exceeding a certain amount. Tom made a motion that there
be a requirement that 2 Board members are needed to approve any expenditures
covering invoices exceeding $1,000. The motion was seconded by Joe Sheare,
and carried.
Capital Replacement Reserve Study. At the request of the Association, MAD Engineering
Incorporated conducted a replacement reserve study. This study, done at no
cost to the Association, was delivered in a report dated January 15, 2009.
The last time such a study was done was in 1999, and this update was long
overdue. The study examined the critical condominium structural components
(bulkhead, roof, decks) to determine expected life, replacement costs, and
reserve funding needed. The Board agreed that a sub-committee should be formed
to plan a way ahead for dealing with the study results. Mike Bufano volunteered
to lead the committee, with Joe Sheare and Bob Siskind supporting. The goal
is to develop a plan, including alternatives, to be presented at the Annual
Membership Meeting.
1. Front Side Renovation - Update. Walt Smelter (C/W Builders) reported that work is progressing on the first 11 units (680 through 660) of the 600-building. All of these units have the new windows and sliders installed, and also the lower level siding and lights. Weather permitting, the siding should be completed by the end of this week. Cold temperatures are the limiting factor to installing the siding. Due to the cold temperatures, Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) has not yet started repairing and repainting the storage (cubby) doors. All unit owners are reminded to supply Charles with storage door keys from the owners, if they haven’t already done so.
2. Fiberglass Decorations on the Ends of the Buildings. At the December 2008 Board meeting, it was decided to postpone any decision on the fiberglass decorations until the next (January 2009) Board meeting. Joe Sheare recommended that in light of the many other issues at hand, this issue be tabled and returned to when deemed appropriate by the Board.
3. Mailboxes. At the December 2008 Board meeting, Tom Bell agreed to research mailbox design options and report back at the next (January 2009) Board meeting before any decision on guidance issuance is made. Tom reported that he needed to continue his research, and the Board agreed to table this item until Tom has completed his work.
4. Water Line Breaks. It was reported by units 646, 660, 702, 704, and 714
that water line breaks occurred during January 17 and January 18, 2009. Igor
Conev (Mann Properties) stated that as is the usual procedure, D&B Plumbing
had turned on the circuit switches for the heat tape, which affects only the
water main running east to west along the buildings. D&B Plumbing, who
Igor called to investigate the water line breaks, reported that all breaks
occurred on the individual feeder pipes under the individual units leading
from the main into the units. The Board agreed that these breaks are the unit
owners’ responsibility, with the most likely cause being failure to winterize
the units’ water lines and systems. The October 15, 2008 Minutes of the
Board Meeting reminded all unit owners to winterize their units, and included
an action for Igor Conev (Mann Properties) to re-publish the procedures originally
developed by Louis Napoli for unit owners regarding steps to take to winterize
their units.
Louis Napoli made a motion that Igor Conev send letters to the above-mentioned
unit owners stating that repairing the water pipe breaks is the responsibility
of the unit owner, and for Igor to again re-publish the winterizing procedures
to all unit owners. The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and carried.
5. Owners’ Requests. – None.
NEW BUSINESS: Walt Smelter indicated that significant ice has formed in the
canal and that upheavals of the pilings may be an issue. Discussion ensued
as to how to minimize this problem, with Walt indicating that if the pilings
do lift, it will be very difficult, and expensive, to hire a pile driver.
Tom Bell made a motion that Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) be approached
to break up the ice around the outermost pilings, which Walt indicated should
be relatively easy to do by beating on the ice with a 2x4. The motion was
seconded by Joe Sheare, and carried. Joe will contact Charles.
NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – February 18, 2009 at 8:00 pm by conference call.
ADJOURNMENT was at 9:26 pm.
Prepared by:
John Foulkes
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors - Secretary