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December 13, 2006
Frank Dean called the meeting to order
at 8:12 p.m. via telephone conference.
Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Joe Sheare, Tom Bell, Bob Siskind, Marci Larue
Board members absent:
Louie Napoli & Igor Conev (Mann Properties)
Reading and approval of the 11/15/2006 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 11/15/2006 board meeting was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Results:
Frank Dean covered the financials provided by Igor Conev (Mann Properties) which confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts Receivable account balances: $28,492.67, Savings: $28,972.60, A/R – Condo Fees: ($432.00) Special Assessment: ($23,500.00) & Prepaid: $6,844.64
Bank Loan:
Current outstanding balance $220,000.00.
2007 Budget:
The draft of the 2007 Budget prepared by Frank Dean was reviewed.
A motion to approve the budget was made by Bob Siskind seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Roof & AC Project
C/W Building Services:
Walt is still waiting the Fire Marshalls final approval.
Gutters & Downspouts:
A $20,000.00 bid to install 6” gutters and 4” downspouts every 3 units and tying into the existing canal drains has been received and approved. Another bid was received but did not cover tying into the existing canal drains. This is a high priority item required by Ocean City.
A motion to approve the $20,000.00 Gutter and Downspout installation was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.Street Side Renovation Project
Bob Siskind has setup a meeting next week with architect Peter Miller (4th Street Design) and Walt Smelter (C/W Building Services) to initiate the planning for the Street Side Renovation.
Owner Requests:
Unit 718 (Martin) Legal processes.
Frank Dean spoke with Ms. Martin’s lawyer and advised that we may take this issue to the full membership in May for due process and a vote. Frank has received no response to date.
Old Business:
New Business:
Elevation certificates:
The elevation certificates required for insurance have been completed. The certificates cost $1,800 but we will have to pay until next year.
Committee Reports:
Custodial Contract:
Marci was able to terminate the contract for the winter.
Next Board Meeting:
Wednesday January 17, 2007, 8:00 pm via conference call.
Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p.m.
Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors - Secretary