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March 15, 2006

Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. via telephone conference.

Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Joe Sheare, Marci LaRue, Louie Napoli, George Hanks and Igor Conev (Mann Properties).

Board members absent:

Bob Siskind

Reading and approval of the 2/15/2006 CDS Board meeting minutes:

A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 2/15/2006 board meeting was made by Louie Napoli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Results:

Frank Dean covered the financials provided by Igor Conev (Mann Properties) which confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts Receivable account balances: Checking - $26,530.40, Savings – $28,755.25 & A/R - $493.24.

Currently we have $180,000.00 outstanding on the loan.

Roof & AC Project

International HVAC:

Some initial startup problems with failure to properly protect interiors when performing work inside the units. Frank Dean addressed these issues with Tom Rathfon.

4th Street Design:

Peter Miller was on site 3/14/2006 to review the mansard problem. He is currently working on a solution to rectify the problem. Thin walls are also a problem. Peter and Walt came up plan to strap the thin wall to building.

C/W Building Services:

OC Inspectors passed 770 Building and what has been completed on the 600 Building to date. Shingles should be completed on that portion of the 600 bldg where the plywood has been installed next week

Bank Loan:

Nothing to report this period.

Owner Requests:

None reported.

Annual Meeting:

Igor Conev (Mann Properties) confirmed that the Princess Bayside has been booked from 8:00 am till Noon on May 20th, 2006. Coffee and Danish have also been ordered. A unit owner’s party will be held on the back deck of Unit 770A at 1:30 pm.

Custodial Contract:


A motion to table the Custodial Contract discussion was made by Joe Sheare. The motion was accepted.

Old Business:

New Business:

George Hanks tendered his resignation effective as of the annual meeting. The resignation was accepted by Frank Dean. Frank thanked George for his service to the board and the Association.

Committee Reports:

Next Board Meeting:

Wednesday April 12th, 2006, 8:00 pm via conference call.


Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m.

Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors - Secretary