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July 13th, 2004

Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm via teleconference.

Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Margie Rus (Mann Properties), Anne Giannelli and Louie Napoli.

Board members absent:
Bob Siskind, Marci LaRue, & George Hanks,

Reading and approval of the 6/8/2004 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 6/8/2004 board meeting was made by Gene Miesse and seconded. In discussion it was pointed out that the date of the minutes was incorrect. The motion was amended to approve the minutes as corrected.
The motion passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Results:
Margie Rus (Mann Properties) confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts Receivable account balances: Checking - $47,000.00, Savings – $158,000.00 & A/R - $44,000.00. Unit 646 (Krug) is the only unit in arrears at this time.

Approval OF 2003 Auditors Report:
Frank Dean polled those board members in attendance to see if they had received a copy of the 2003 Audit Report. All indicated they had received and reviewed the report.

A motion to approved the 2003 Audit Report was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the accountants and in-turn receive an electronic copy of the report which will be forwarded to Tom Chmiola for incorporation into the Casa Del Sol web site.

Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
Frank Dean reported that Walt Smelter (C&H Construction) Is scheduled to complete the 700 Building By the end of next week.

Roof Assessment:
Bob Siskind was not in attendance to report any new information. Margie Rus (Mann Properties noted that Unit #640 (Belles) had submitted a request for roof repairs and that the repairs were completed at a cost of $665.00.

Owner Requests:

•  Unit #658 ( Brzezinski) is requesting permission to store his box trailer in the parking lot, outside of his covered space.
A motion to deny the request was made by Gene Miesse and Seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the Unit owner of the boards denial of the request.

•  Unit # 632 (Donoma Development) – Installation of a third floor canal side balcony, third floor canal side slider, all front and rear sliding doors and windows.

A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner's approval of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for change/alteration/improvement was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board's action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return to Mann Properties.

•  Unit # 654 (Mattus) – Installation of a third floor canal side balcony.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner's approval of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for change/alteration/improvement was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board's action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return to Mann Properties.

Old Business:

  1. Change/Alteration/Improvement tracking spreadsheet:

An updated copy of the Change/Alteration/Improvement tracking spreadsheet was presented. Only one minor error with Mattus being entered on two different Unit numbers was noted. Margie will correct.

•  Casa Del Sol Web Page:

Tom Chmiola was not in attendance to report progress.

•  Unit #726 (Russell) Damaged Supports:

The board approved acceptance of the R. D. Meredith proposal at a cost of $2,625.00 with work scheduled to begin in September, 2004. The work is related to Condominium Association Common Elements and a safety issue, therefore no approval by the unit owner is required.

•  Citation Door Installation Inspection by Citation representative:

Unit owner Jack Russell (Unit #726) called Citation and setup a meeting for July 19 th , 2004 . As of this date ( July 13 th , 2004 ), Frank Dean had not received a written list of Mr. Russell's complaints as requested.

•  Little Salisbury boat ramp:

As requested at the Annual Meeting May 8 th , 2004, Mann Properties sent a letter (June 2 nd , 2004) to the Mayor and City Council requesting continued use of the Little Salisbury boat ramp for the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association. To-date there has been no response.

New Business:

•  Anne Giannelli requested that meeting dates be included in next months meeting agenda. Anne has some conflicts with our current second Tuesday schedule.

•  Electric outlets on the dock lights circuit:

It was observed that many of the dock lights have had electrical outlets appended to them. This is a serious safety issue for two reasons; 1) the dock light circuit is not ground fault protected and 2) an overload could cause the main breaker to trip and all dock lights would be affected. Secondly, the electricity for these circuits is paid for by the Association not by the individual users.
A motion to have ALL outlets removed from the dock light circuit was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will contact Patchet Electric to have the work done. Patchet will also repair or replace any defective dock lights in the process. Work will begin on the 700 Building but all buildings (600 & 770) will be serviced.

Next Board Meeting:

The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 10 th , , 2004 .

On a motion to adjourn by Anne Giannelli, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 7:39 pm .

Prepared by:

C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors Secretary