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June 8th, 2004
Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Marci LaRue, George Hanks, Margie
Rus (Mann Properties), &. Tom Chmiola.
Board members absent:
Anne Giannelli and Louie Napoli.
Frank Dean comments on annual meeting:
Reading and approval of the 5/8/2004
CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve
the minutes from the 5/8/2004 board meeting was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Results:
Margie Rus (Mann Properties) confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts
Receivable account balances: Checking - $13,399.15, Savings – $193,302.97 &
A/R - $2.936.14. Unit 646 (Krug) is the only unit in arrears at this time.
Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
Frank Dean reported that Walt Smelter (C&H Construction) has begun
work on the final 4 units in the 700 Building. Frank said Walt is committed
to work thru the summer and is still targeting completion of the 600 building
by late fall of this year (2004).
Roof Assessment:
Bob Siskind reported his dissatisfaction with the engineering report
and suggested that the engineering firm did nothing but call Potinger and Raintree
and work out a very expensive solution for Casa Del Sol. It's Bob's opinion
that we were “hood-winked”. Bob agreed that Potinger and Raintree is doing a
good job with the repairs to-date but their refusal to do hot tar roofs for
us was questionable when they are doing it for others in OC , MD. Frank Dean
suggested that a meeting with engineering, roofing contractors and board members
be set up so that face to face communications could be exchanged.
Owner Requests:
Unit # 620 (Smith), request to install a 3 rd floor bay side balcony.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner's approval
of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for change/alteration/improvement
was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board's action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return to Mann Properties.
Unit #634 (Peck), request 2 nd floor street side windows and 3 rd floor street side slider replacement.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner's approval of
the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for change/alteration/improvement
was made by Marci LaRue and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties)
will notify the unit owner(s) of the board's action and send them a copy of
the CDS Condominium Association change/alteration/improvement form for their
approval and return to Mann Properties.
Old Business:
An updated copy of the Change/Alteration/Improvement tracking spreadsheet was presented. Several minor corrections were noted. Gene Miesse and Margie Rus (Mann Properties) are to resolve off-line.
Casa Del Sol Web Page:
Tom Chmiola presented several ideas for consideration. It was the general consensus of the board that a period of testing by board members should take place between now and the next board meeting. All functionality should be tested by each board member and Tom should be notified of any problems or changes that should be considered.
Tom was also charged with having the Casa Del Sol By-Laws retyped in MS Word so that we have a electronic copy of them.
The web site looks to be a great communication tool and the board members are anxious to have the site up and running.
New Business:
Unit #726 (Russell), Damaged Supports:
Accidental damage to some floor supports occurred when a truck struck them. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) was requested to get bids for repairs as soon as possible.
Citation Door installation inspection with door representative:
A meeting has not been scheduled. Frank Dean said it would probably be in July.
Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 13 th , , 2004 .
On a motion to adjourn by Gene Miesse, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 8:23 pm .
Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors Secretary