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May 8th, 2004
Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 9:16 am in the Maryland Room of the Carousel in Ocean City, MD.
Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Buck Mann (Mann Properties), Margie Rus
(Mann Properties), Igor Coneb (Mann Properties) Louie Napoli, &. Tom Chmiola
Board members absent:
Anne Giannelli, Vic Saville
Reading and approval of the 4/13/2004 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 4/13/2004 board meeting
was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Results:
Buck Mann (Mann Properties) confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts Receivable
account balances: Checking - $15,000.00, Savings – $188,024.49 & A/R
- $11,622.63. Late letters were mailed to Units 616 (O’hara), 622 (Giannelli),
638 (Sosnowski), 646 (Krug), 652 (Curtin), 714 (Schatz), 770A (Dean), &
770B (Pfeiffer) on April 20th, 2004.
Roof Assessment:
Bob Siskind covered the information he will present to the membership at the
Annual meeting. Basically, Bob will cover some history of the roof problems,
the evaluations and recommendations that have been presented to-date, alternatives
to the “Hot-Tar” roofs we have today, advise the membership that
we have secured a top-notch roofing company to do our repair work while we investigate
a permanent solution and inform the membership that we need more time for evaluation
and that the proper solution may be costly.
Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
Frank Dean reported that Walt Smelter (C&H Construction) is now scheduling
May 15th as the start date for the last 4 units in the 700 building. Frank said
Walt will work thru the summer and is hoping to complete the 600 building in
the late fall of this year (2004).
Owner Requests:
1. Unit # 620, request to replace the 3rd floor street side slider.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval
of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for change/alteration/improvement
was made by Tom Chmiola and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the
unit owner(s) of the board’s action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium
Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return
to Mann Properties.
Old Business:
1. Change/Alteration/Improvement tracking spreadsheet:
An updated copy of the Change/Alteration/Improvement tracking spreadsheet was
presented. No Discussion.
2. Raccoon Update:
One female with one baby and one male were trapped under the 600 building.
3. Unit # 706 – Rotten wood and porch light:
The rotten wood has been replaced and painted. Walt will replace the porch light
when they perform the Canal Side work.
Meeting was recessed at 10:48 am by President Frank Dean.
Meeting re-convened at 12:34 pm by President Frank Dean
New Board Members elected by the CDS Association membership:
George Hanks
Marci LaRue
Bob Siskind
Election of Officers:
A motion to keep the same officers as last year was made by Bob Siskind and
The motion passed unanimously.
Officers for the 2004-2005 period:
President: Frank Dean
Vice President: Louie Napoli
Secretary: C. E. “Gene” Miesse
Treasurer: Bob Siskind
New Business:
1. Owner notification of structural problems with street side balconies:
A motion to advise the membership that street side decks will not be approved
and any prior approvals will be rescinded due to the Engineer and Contractor
evaluation of structural problems was made by Tom Chmiola and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will prepare a notification
to this effect and mail it with the meeting minutes to all association members.
Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 8th, 2004.
On a motion to adjourn by Gene Miesse, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 12:58 pm.
Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors Secretary