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MARCH 9, 2004
Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm via teleconference.
Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Buck Mann (Mann Properties), Louie Napoli,
Anne Giannelli, &. Tom Chmiola
Board members absent:
Vic Saville
Reading and approval of the 12/9/2003 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 9/2/2003 board meeting
was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Results:
Buck Mann (Mann Properties) confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts Receivable
account balances: Checking - $48,444.00, Savings – $104,376.98 & A/R
- $4,404.21. No A/R detail was available for review. Gene Miesse confirmed that
Unit # 646 had been turned over to the attorneys for collection and notice had
been given to the owner(s) on 2/23/04.
Roof Assessment:
Liberty Roofing – Bob Siskind reported the following:
1. There’s nothing basically wrong with the roofs as they are provided
they are flashed properly with better detail work and a hot tar application.
2. The Air Conditioning units need to be raised off of the roof and the power
boxes need to be relocated.
3. A re-sealing every 3 years would extend the roof life 10 or more years.
4. The contractor (Liberty Roofing) felt that the bid from Potteiger Raintree
($12,000.00) was based on engineering specifications that were way in excess
of our needs and that we should go back to them and request another bid based
on more realistic needs.
Pitched Roofs – Frank Dean reported the following:
1. Walt had been in contact with the OC Fire Marshal and there was a question
about requiring a concrete firewall between each unit. Such a requirement would
be cost prohibitive. Walt thinks that a sprinkler arrangement may be an alternative
and will check with the Fire Marshal.
2. Walt has thrown out a figure of $10,000.00 per unit, but details on what
that covers has not been developed.
3. Frank advised and Buck concurred that a pitched roof would substantially
increase the value of the units.
Roof repairs – Units 636, 658, 668 & 716.:
1. Standard maintenance item – approved.
It was agreed that more investigation needs to be done before deciding on a permanent roof solution.
Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
Window payoff:
A motion to approve payback to those unit owners that did not require replacement
of windows and/or doors during the canal side maintenance project was made by
Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Door order:
Frank Dean reported that the door order for the continuation of the canal side
maintenance project had been placed. Thirty (30) doors are on order. We have
9 doors and 16 windows still in stock.
Bank loan:
Frank Dean reported that the loan has been approved and that receipt of the
loan will be deferred until the money is actually required.
Owner Requests:
1. Unit # 668 request to replace street side entrance and storm door.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval
of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements
was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the
unit owner(s) of the board’s action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium
Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return
to Mann Properties.
2. Unit # 620 request to replace two (2) windows on the street side.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval
of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements
was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the
unit owner(s) of the board’s action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium
Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return
to Mann Properties.
3. Unit # 658 request to install a canal side third floor balcony.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval
of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements
was made by Louie Napoli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the
unit owner(s) of the board’s action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium
Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return
to Mann Properties.
CDS Condominium Association Requirements for Change/Alteration/Improvement
form tracking:
Frank said he would have Margie request returns from those unit owners that
have not returned their forms
Old Business:
Louie Napoli again reported the Unit # 706 problem as follows:
On 10/28/03 and again on 12/9/03, Louie Napoli reported that Unit #706 had reported
rotten wood and a broken porch light some time ago and nothing has been done.
At the 10/28/03 board meeting, Margie Rus said she did issue a work order, with
no additional conversation regarding this topic she was under the impression
the work had been completed. She mentioned that she would re-issue the Work
Order to a different contractor, as the original contractor must not be interested.
New Business:
1. Bulkhead piling repair:
Completed - 24 pilings were reset at a cost of $2,400.00
2. Rat wire installation:
Buck Mann reported that some of the rat wire covering the plumbing chase in
some units had been removed and some had never been installed. A review of all
units will be conducted and Jim Horseman will be contracted to install where
required Maintenance item no approval required.
3. Tom Chmiola reported that the fence on the east end of the 600 Building was
broken and in need of repair. Buck Mann will check it out and have repairs made.
4. Question from Mann Properties as to how long the increased assessment will
remain and if a unit sells how to calculate the remainder due:
The Canal Side Maintenance Project was estimated to cost $12,000.00 per unit.
It was decided to increase the unit assessment by $4,000.00 annually ($1,000.00
quarterly) for three years to cover the requirement. To determine what a given
unit owner is currently responsible for you take $12,000.00 and subtract what
excess assessment they have already paid and the result is what they owe. When
a property transfers one of two things must happen; 1) the current owner pays
what’s due in total and the new owner would receive that as a credit to
their dues or 2) The new owner pays the remaining amount due as an increased
Spring Annual Meeting:
1. The Annual Meeting will be held at the Carousel on Saturday May, 8th at 10:00AM
2. Police presentation – Mann Properties
3. insurance Presentation – Louie Napoli, Tom Chmiola & Louies wife
4. Canal Project Update – Frank Dean
5. Roof Status - Frank Dean
6. Rules and Regulations – Anne Giannelli & Marci LaRue
Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2004 at 7:00 pm via teleconference.
On a motion to adjourn by Anne Giannelli, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at
8:11 pm.
Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors Secretary