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October 28, 2003

Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 7:01pm via teleconference.

Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Margie Rus (Mann Properties), Louie Napoli, Anne Giannelli, Vic Saville, and Marcia LaRue.

Board members absent:
Tom Chmiola

Reading and approval of the 7/01/2003 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 8/05/2003 board meeting was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Results:
Margie Rus (Mann Properties) confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts Receivable account balances: Checking - $3,617.04, Savings – $129,152.10. A/R - $2999.56

Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
General discussions regarding work on the 700 Building:
Frank Dean reported that work was still progressing well and that there were only 4.5 units left to complete and 2 third floor balconies. The contractor is still running under budget. The contractor and the engineer have been meeting approximately every two weeks and there are no outstanding issues. Frank discussed the startup date for the 600 Building with the contractor. If the contractor receives a signed contract by October 2003 and funding for initial the initial order for doors and windows is received by the end of December 2003 he will start February – March 2004 with an estimated completion of September – October 2004, weather permitting. This schedule assumes working through the summer as with the 700 Building. This is an improved schedule over previous discussions and will require a “Bridge Loan” to cover a cash shortfall in the August – September time frame. Frank determined, in discussion with the Association Attorney, that a “General Meeting” of the membership would be required to approve the loan. Securing this loan will NOT cause any additional cash outlays by the owners. The meeting will be scheduled for October 11th, 2003.

A motion to call a special meeting for the purpose of seeking approval to borrow $125,000.00 to cover the cash shortfall in 2004 for canal side repairs was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

Roof Assessment:
Frank Dean reported that the roof assessment being conducted by GMB, (the engineering firm), is expected to be completed and the report received in two weeks.

Old Business:
All “Old Business” items were covered in either the Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project or the Roof Assessment

Committee Reports:
1. Insurance: (Louie Napoli & Tom Chmiola) – The recommendations of the committee were discussed in detail. See attached for details of changes.
A motion to approve the committees’ recommendations for insurance coverage was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
2. Police Involvement: (Tom Chmiola & Marci LaRue) – Nothing new to report.
3. Rules & Regulations: (Anne Giannelli & Marci LaRue) – Rework still in process.
4. Loan Information: - See Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project: for updated information on the loan issue.
5. Work Weekend: (Tom Chmiola & Marci LaRue) – The committee opted not to embark on the parking lot coating project due to the continued construction work and are now focusing on a “Flea Market/Yard Sale” on the same day as the special membership meeting.

New Business:
1. Unit #680 (Cook) – Requested replacing street side storm door.
A motion to approve the request was made by Vic Saville and seconded. During discussion it was noted that the unit owner(s) has the following options; a) White or Brown color and b) full glass or half glass with bottom cross buck.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action.

2. Unit #672 (Coschignano) – Requesting the addition of a third floor (bay side) balcony.
A motion to approve the request was made Anne Giannelli and seconded. During discussion it was noted that the unit owner(s) must agree, in writing, to the Casa Del Sol – Unit Improvement agreement. Mann Properties will send an agreement to the unit owner(s) for signature and return to Mann Properties for inclusion in the unit documentation folder maintained by Mann Properties. Work on the improvement may not begin until the signed agreement is received.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action.

3. Unit #710 (Sheare) – Requesting the addition of a third floor (bay side) balcony.
A motion to approve the request was made Vic Saville and seconded. During discussion it was noted that the unit owner(s) must agree, in writing, to the Casa Del Sol – Unit Improvement agreement. Mann Properties will send an agreement to the unit owner(s) for signature and return to Mann Properties for inclusion in the unit documentation folder maintained by Mann Properties. Work on the improvement may not begin until the signed agreement is received.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action.

4. Unit #710 (Sheare) – Request to save Sliding Doors & Windows during the renovation.
A motion to table this request until the engineer and contractor had evaluated the existing installation was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action.

5. Unit #718 (Martin) - Requesting the addition of a third floor (bay side) balcony.
A motion to approve the request was made Anne Giannelli and seconded. During discussion it was noted that the unit owner(s) must agree, in writing, to the Casa Del Sol – Unit Improvement agreement. Mann Properties will send an agreement to the unit owner(s) for signature and return to Mann Properties for inclusion in the unit documentation folder maintained by Mann Properties. Work on the improvement may not begin until the signed agreement is received.
6. The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action.

7. Unit #672 (Coschignano) – Appeal of $500.00 fine levied by the Board of Directors on August 5th, 2003.
A motion to deny the appeal was made by Louie Napoli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Frank Dean will prepare a letter to the unit owner(s) explaining the boards’ action.

8. Unit #718 (Martin) – Appeal of $500.00 fine levied by the Board of Directors on August 5th, 2003.
A motion to deny the appeal was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Frank Dean will prepare a letter to the unit owner(s) explaining the boards’ action.

All correspondence was covered in other areas of the minutes.

Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for October 7th, 2003 at 7:00pm via teleconference.

On a motion to adjourn by Gene Miesse, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 8:47 pm.

Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors Secretary

2003-04 Premiums with "old" Building Limits 2003-04 Premiums with "new" Building Limits

Package - Selective $ 35,189 Package - Selective (Approved) $ 39,596
Property - total bldg $ 4,903,282 Property - total bldg $ 5,557,000
Deductible $2,500 except 1% Wind Deductible $2,500 except 1% Wind
GL $ 1,000,000 included GL $ 1,000,000 included
Auto $ 1,000,000 included Auto $ 1,000,000 included

Directors & Officers - Selective $ 741 Directors & Officers - Selective $ 741
Limit $ 1,000,000 Limit $ 1,000,000

Crime Coverage - Continental Ins Co Crime Coverage - Continental Ins Co
Limit $ 25,000 $ 433 Limit $ 50,000 $ 572

Total $ 36,363 $ 40,909

1 Add Terrorism Coverage to Selective Package # $ 1,200

2 Add Demolition Cost
$50,000 each building (Aprroved) $1,467 for all three buildings; $489 each building
3 Add Increased Cost of Construction
$50,000 each building (Approved) $ 1,467 for all three buildings; $489 each building

4 Umbrella - $15,000,000 Limit (Approved) $ 1,625 *need completed and signed Umbrella Applicaton

5 Increase Limit on Crime Policy
$50,000 limit (Approved) $ 572
$100,000 limit $ 760
$250,000 limit $ 987