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AUGUST 5th, 2003
Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 7:05pm via teleconference.
Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Tom Chmiola, Margie Rus (Mann Properties),
Louie Napoli, Anne Giannelli, Marci LaRue and Karen Napoli.
Board members absent:
Vic Saville
Reading and approval of the 7/01/2003 CDS Board meeting
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 7/01/2003 board meeting
was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Results:
1. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts
Receivable account balances: Checking - $98,978.41, Savings – $69,122.74.
A/R - $11,495.98. Frank Dean requested that Margie move $60,000.00 from Checking
to Savings. Margie concurred that she would make the transfer.
2. Collections:
a. Unit #672 – Late Notice and Intent To Turn Over For Collection
letters have been sent. Failure of the unit owner(s) to respond by August 22nd
will result in the account being turned over to the Attorney for collection.
b. Unit #718 – Late Notice and Intent To Turn Over For Collection
letters have been sent. Failure of the unit owner(s) to respond by August 15th
will result in the account being turned over to the Attorney for collection.
c. Unit #770B – Request from the owner(s) to waive late fees
and attorney fees.
A motion to refuse the request from the owner(s) to waive the late fees and
attorney fees was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Frank Dean asked Margie to notify the Owner(s) and the Attorney of the boards
Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
General discussions regarding work on the 700 Building:
Frank Dean reported that work was progressing well and that it was one half
completed. Currently the contractor is running about $1,000.00 under budget
per unit. The contractor and the engineer have been meeting weekly and there
are no outstanding issues. In fact, the engineer advised Frank that meeting
weekly was probably excessive and that every other week or even less frequent
would probably be acceptable. Frank suggested that they meet every other week
for a period and then they could re-evaluate the frequency at a later time.
Roof Assessment:
1. Frank Dean reported that the roof assessment being conducted by GMB, the
engineering firm is underway but not yet completed. The engineer has indicated
there are problems other than just roofing quality/installation issues. It is
expected that the investigation and report will be completed prior to the next
board meeting.
2. Unit # 636 (Vichich) – Mann Properties has already responded advising
that repair and painting of internal damage, even from an external cause, is
the responsibility of the unit owner.
3. Unit #658 (Brzezinski) – The board wants to wait until the roof evaluation
is completed before responding to any more requests. This item is tabled.
Old Business:
All “Old Business” items were covered in either the Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance
Project or the Roof Assessment
Committee Reports:
1. Lien Process: (Gene Miesse) - Documentation of the existing process has been
completed and the results distributed to all Board Members and Mann Properties.
2. Insurance: (Louie Napoli & Tom Chmiola) – Karen Napoli (Louie’s
spouse) has reviewed our insurance requirements with our insurance agent in
detail. They have found some areas where our coverage is weak and they are coming
up with a written proposal for the boards review. Karen obviously has a very
good understanding of insurance requirements and did a great job of briefing
the board on the committee’s progress.
3. Police Involvement: (Tom Chmiola & Marci LaRue) – Tom & Marci
met with the Ocean City Police to determine what unit owners & renters can/should
do to help keep the few that are offensive and detrimental to the family atmosphere
we want at Casa Del Sol under control. First and foremost report late night
noise and obnoxious behavior immediately to the police. Report loud vulgar /
obscene language and any suspected illegal activity to he police at any time
day or night. Secondly, follow-up your complaint in writing to Mann Properties
giving as many specifics as possible and include any other witnesses. There
doesn’t have to be a police report filed to make a complaint about any
infraction of the associations rules and regulations, just document it and send
to Mann Properties. A letter will be sent to the membership detailing what needs
to be done by the unit owners to keep on top of this continuing problem.
4. Rules & Regulations: (Anne Giannelli & Marci LaRue) – A 1st
draft was presented and after some discussion it was determined that additional
work was needed before the board could act. Board members were requested to
review the document and respond to Anne & Marci with suggestions.
5. Loan Information: (Bob Siskind, Vic Saville & Mann Properties) –
It looks like we are fairly close to securing a loan to help us through the
Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project but a few small details need to worked
out. Frank Dean advised that we would probably need the loan in hand by the
first of the year. The committee will attempt to have the loan locked down by
the next board meeting.
6. Work Weekend: (Tom Chmiola & Marci LaRue) – The committee is looking
to have a fall work weekend to be held October 11th & 12th. One idea is
to seal coat the parking area. There was some discussion as to the quantity
of coating material and cost. Margie (Mann Properties) indicated she could have
it professionally done for about the same price. The committee is open for ideas
and is looking for input.
New Business:
1. Unit #680 (Cook) – Requested to have sliding doors added to her original
request to replace the street side windows, which the board has already approved.
A motion to approve the request was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
2. Unit #724 (Klaczak) – Requesting the addition of a third floor balcony.
A motion to approve the request was made Anne Giannelli and seconded. During
discussion a friendly amendment was made to the motion as follows; the unit
owner must agree, in writing, to 1) keep the addition in good repair, 2) pay
all costs for maintenance and 3) keep the appearance of the addition in line
with Casa Del Sol Condo Association rules and regulations.
The amended motion passed unanimously.
3. Unit #618 (Wistuba) – Stolen/missing deck chairs.
A motion to respond to Mr. Wistuba advising that personal property is the responsibility
of the unit owner was made by Louie Napoli and seconded. During discussion it
was noted that the board deplores the behavior of a few that cause our unit
owners to incur losses, but in the end it is the unit owners responsibility
to protect their own personal property.
The motion passed unanimously. Frank Dean requested that Margie Rus (Mann Properties)
draft the letter.
4. Unit #718 (Martin) – Multiple complaints from Unit #712 (Munk) and
Unit #712 (Bell) regarding loud vulgar language, trash, junk and general deplorable
condition of the 718 unit.
A motion to levy a $500.00 association fine for rules infractions was made by
Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Frank Dean requested that Margie post the fine
5. Unit #672 (Coschignano) – Multiple complaints from Unit #670 (LaRue)
and Unit 770A (Dean) regarding late night (early morning) loud vulgar behavior
and laundry hanging from balcony rails.
A motion to levy a $500.00 association fine for rules infractions was made by
Tom Chmiola and seconded. During discussion it was brought out that unit owners
have witnessed “used condoms” lying in the deck area of this unit.
The motion passed unanimously. Frank Dean requested that Margie post the fine
All correspondence was covered in other areas of the minutes.
Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for September 2nd, 2003 at 7:00pm via teleconference.
On a motion to adjourn by Bob Siskind, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 8:45
Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors Secretary