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July 1st, 2003
Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 7:01pm via teleconference.
Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Tom Chmiola, Margie Rus (Mann Properties),
Louie Napoli, Anne Giannelli and Vic Saville.
Board members absent:
Reading and approval of the 5/17/2003 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 5/17/2003 board meeting
was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Results:
1. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) confirmed the checking and savings account balances:
Checking - $92,302 and Savings – $69,081.
2. Frank Dean advised the Board that; Frank Dean, Bob Siskind and Gene Miesse
had been setup as signatories for the Casa Del Sole accounts.
3. Frank Dean advised that an expense form has been developed for board members
to record and get reimbursement for expenses incurred for condominium business.
The form will be e-mailed to each board member.
Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
General discussions regarding work on first units:
Frank Dean reported that the first five units are completed and footings for
the second floor balcony decks for the next five units have been poured. The
contractor has received windows for the next units and the doors are scheduled
for delivery by July 7th, 2003. Work on the 700 Building is scheduled to resume
July 7th. The contractor will leave the deck dividers removed on the ground
floor decks until he has completed one half of the units. This will allow moving
of materials the minimum distance possible. When they have progressed to the
halfway point then the deck dividers will be reinstalled, the end stairs removed
and work will begin from the other end of the building.
Weekly meetings with the contractor and the engineer are scheduled for 8:00am
every Thursday morning at the building site. The engineer had indicated that
the 2”X10” used to support the second floor decks may be overkill
but after the contractor explained the distance that had to be spanned between
units it was agreed that the 2”X10” was necessary. The contractor
has been using a silicone caulk sealant around the windows and doors but the
engineer prefers that Tyvek® tape be used so the contractor is now using
Tyvek® tape as well as the silicone sealant.
Walt Smelter quoted prices for Third Floor Balconies, Street Side Windows and
Street Side Sliders as follows:
Third Floor Balcony $5,400.00
Street Side Windows (Both) $1,847.00
Street Side Slider $1,465.00
Old Business:
1. GMB, the engineering firm used by the association to oversee the Canal Side
Repairs has agreed to do the evaluation of the roofs that the board recommended
some time ago. GMB will inspect all roofs and prepare a written report of what
actions should be taken for a fee of $1000.00.
2. Unit #636 interior damage from roof problem. The issue was discussed in detail
and it was agreed that the association by-laws are specific about responsibility
for interior damage.
A motion to deny payment of $200.00 for repairs of interior damage was made
by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed with one abstention.
New Business:
1. Unit #672 appeal letter. Board members had all reviewed the appeal.
A motion to deny the appeal was made by Bob Siskind and Seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mann Properties is directed to start the fine process immediately.
2. Request for boatlift from Unit #712.
A motion to grant the installation of the boatlift described in the request
from the Unit #712 owner(s) was made by Gene Miesse and seconded. In discussion
a friendly amendment to the original motion further defines that; 1) the owner(s)
is totally liable to maintain proper functionality and appearance of the boatlift,
2) upon sale of the property the current owner(s) must convey the boatlift and
all of the obligations that go with it to the new owner(s) or the current owner
must dismantle and remove the boatlift and return the property to it’s
original condition and appearance prior to the installation of the boatlift
and 3) a copy of these requirements must be acknowledged and signed by the owner(s)
prior to the boatlift installation and they will become a permanent part of
the property resale package held by Mann Properties.
The amended motion passed unanimously.
3. Requests to install 3rd floor balconies from Unit #720 and Unit #726
A motion to approve the installation of 3rd floor balconies as requested by
the unit owners of Units #720 and #726 was made by Tom Chmiola and seconded.
In discussion a friendly amendment to the original motion further defines that;
1) the unit owner(s) must secure all necessary permits and approvals from Ocean
City for the structural design, 2) the design and installation must meet the
Casa Del Sol requirements for exterior style compliance and water intrusion
elimination/minimization and 3) the work must be completed within 12 months
of the approval of this request or the request will be considered denied and
the process will have to be re-initiated.
The amended motion passed unanimously.
4. Request to install new street side windows and doors from Unit #680 using
same materials as being used on the canal side repair project.
A motion to approve the request was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously with Louie Napoli abstaining.
5. Unit #672 Noise, trash and general deplorable condition of rear deck. See
letter dated May 31, 2003 from Marci La Rue Unit #670.
6. Motion:
A motion to levy a fine in the amount of $500.00 was made by Bob Siskind and
The motion passed unanimously.
Committee Business:
1. Gene Miesse is in process of documenting the Assessment Arrears process.
Gene reported that the document was nearly completed and is only waiting on
two documents to include in the package. Copies will be forwarded to board members
upon completion. Gene is also responsible to resurrect the action list spread
sheet that tracks open/pending action items from the board.
2. Anne Giannelli and Marci La Rue have taken the task of updating the CDS Condo
Association “Rules & Regulation” document.
3. Tom Chmiola and Louie Napoli are reviewing our insurance and bonding requirements
and will make recommendations to the board when the review is completed.
4. Bob Siskind and Vic Saville are working out the details for obtaining a Line
of Credit or a Bridge Loan to cover any gaps in our receivables during the Canal
Side Maintenance/Repair project.
5. Tom Chmiola has accepted the challenge of trying to plan another “Work
Weekend” like the one that was so successful year before last.
E-mail dated 7/1/2003 from Marci LaRue Unit #670 regarding late night/early
morning noise and what to Marci appears to be grossly inappropriate behavior
coming from Unit #672. She had to call the police twice (Thursday June 26th
and Monday June 30th). Most of the board members had not had an opportunity
to review her e-mail so action on this latest complaint had to be tabled until
the next meeting.
Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for Aug 5th, 2003 at 7:00pm via teleconference.
On a motion to adjourn by Bob Siskind, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 8:20 pm.
Prepared by:
C.E. “Gene” Miesse