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JUNE 15, 2002

Tom Chmiola called the meeting to order at 10:14 am in unit #716.

Gene Miesse, Tom Chmiola, Margie Rus (Mann Properties), Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Anne Giannelli, Vic Saville and Louie Napoli via phone.

Board members absent:

Reading and approval of the 4/21/02 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 4/21/02 board meeting was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

Reading and approval of the 5/19/02 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 5/19/02 board meeting was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded. The motion was amended to have the minutes show Bob Siskind as Treasurer and Gene Miesse as Secretary.
The amended motion passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Results:
1. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) covered the financial results as of 06/14/02.

Canal Side Renovation Project:
A motion to have Mann Properties hire an engineering firm to draw up bid specifications was made by Bob Siskind and seconded. The motion was amended to have Walt Smelter (contractor for the renovations completed on the 770 Building) start the first 6 units and have the engineering firm on site for the purpose of gathering information with which to prepare the bid specifications.
The amended motion passed unanimously.

A motion to immediately increase the 2002 budget by 15% (the maximum allowed by Maryland Condominium law) was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

A motion to accept Walt Smelters contract for the first 6 units was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

The board requested that Mann Properties open a specific budget line for the Canal Side Renovation expenses and to prepare a membership mailing (via registered mail) to include; 1) a draft copy of the 5/19/02 annual meeting minutes, 2) notification of the budgetary increase and subsequent increase of approximately $69.75 to the quarterly condominium fee and 3) a copy of the vote results from the annual meeting.

Old Business:
1. Exterior compliance issues:
a) #648 White slider w/grids – Buck reported that legal council was in process of filing the suit approved by the CDS board at the 10/20/01 meeting. Update 4/21/02 – Nothing to report at this meeting.
b) #664 White slider – A notification letter has been sent to the owner explaining the non-compliance. The letter also advises the owner that action will be taken by the board to correct the non-compliance at the expense of the owner if it is not resolved within 45 days. Update 6/15/02 – Mann Properties has contracted with Bill Cole to paint the door..
c) #666 White entrance door – A notification letter will be sent to the owner explaining the non-compliance. The letter will also advise the owner that action will be taken by the board to correct the non-compliance at the expense of the owner if it is not resolved within 45 days. Update 4/21/02 - The owner contacted Mann Properties and assured them that they will have the door painted when they get down. Nothing to report at this meeting.
d) Unit #718 – staining of new street side Kitchen deck:
Tom Chmiola and Bob Siskind volunteered to stain this deck. Update 6/15/02 – Tom and Bob have rescinded their offer. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) was requested to take action to get the deck stained.

2. 600 Building:
a) Trash removal from underneath the building.
Buck advised that the cleanout and the access door repairs were completed and all that remained was to install rat wire around the plumbing chase in four of the units. Update 4/21/02 – item still open. Nothing to report at this meeting.
b) Shingle damage to north side mansard, west end of building.
Buck advised that this was warranty work and would be completed by Walt while his crew was working on the 770 Building. Update 4/21/02 – Work not completed to-date. Nothing to report at this meeting.

3. 700 Building:
a) Repair of the bayside, 2nd floor, west end fire escape was completed by installing a brace on the fire escape stairwell wall. Buck Mann advised that this repair seems to be holding the wall tight. Buck was advised to use the same “brace” repair on other fire escape stairwells. Update 4/21/02 – Additional braces have been ordered and will be installed prior to Memorial Day. Nothing to report at this meeting.

b) Trash removal from underneath the building.
Buck advised that the cleanout, access door repairs and installation of rat wire around the plumbing chase would begin as soon as the four units in the 600 building were completed. Update 4/21/02 – Work not started. Nothing to report at this meeting.

4. Roof Replacement/Repair:
Roof replacements for 2002 are underway. Buck advised that the roofs for units 636, 638 & 640 were completed in March. Nothing to report at this meeting.

5. Trimming of the Pine Trees:
Project completed.

New Business:
1. Boat Lift concerns:
Item tabled.

2. Unit 640 request for interior repairs:
A motion to have Mann Properties write a letter to the owner(s) advising that ALL interior repairs are the responsibility of the unit owner(s) with references to the Casa Del Sol By-Laws was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

3. Unit 700 Piling set back problem:
A motion to have Mann Properties send Dave Ott (Unit #700) a letter advising that the pilings must be removed was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

4. Shumate observations:
A motion to have Mann Properties send James Shumate (Unit #654) a letter thanking him for his observations regarding the Canal Side Renovations was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting will be held Friday August 2nd, 2002 at 6:00pm in Unit 622 (Anne Giannelli). Anne warned that she has cat’s.

On a motion to adjourn by Frank Dean, Tom Chmiola adjourned the meeting at 12:14 pm.

Prepared by:
C.E. “Gene” Miesse