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OCTOBER 20, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 10:12am in unit #716 by Tom Chmiola
Gene Miesse, Anne Giannelli, Shawn Willcott, Tom Chmiola and Bob Siskind
Board members Absent:
Frank Dean, Vic Saville, and Buck Mann (Mann Properties)
Reading and approval of the 9/1/01 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 9/1/01 board meeting
was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Review of Financial Results:
No financial report was available do to the absence of Buck Mann:
Old Business:
1) Exterior compliance issues:
Status was not available do to the absence of Buck Mann.
2) 770 Building:
a) Asphalt caving in, street side, next to building, between units 770A &
Work not started at end of September as scheduled. Status was not available
do to the absence of Buck Mann.
b) Schedule for Approved Repair, bayside, to determine extent of water/termite
Status was not available do to the absence of Buck Mann.
The board requests that Mann Properties notify the individual owners (770A,
770B 770CD & 770D) of the impending repairs, the homeowner(s) responsibilities
and liabilities and receive responses from the homeowner(s) by October 31st,
3) 700 Building:
a) Schedule for Approved Repair, bayside, 2nd floor, west end fire escape.
Status was not available do to the absence of Buck Mann.
4) 600 Building:
a) Shingle damage to north side mansard, west end of building.
Status was not available do to the absence of Buck Mann.
b) Trash removal from underneath the building.
Gene Miesse reported for Frank Dean that the person Frank was attempting to
get to do the job was not available at the present time.
5) Raccoon problem resolution:
Status was not available do to the absence of Buck Mann.
6) Roof Replacement:
Status was not available do to the absence of Buck Mann.
7) Fire Escape Access/Egress Concerns:
a) Follow-up inspections.
Status was not available do to the absence of Buck Mann.
New Business:
1) Additional board member involvement
A motion to have a board member follow-up on all outstanding issues on a timely
basis and in a prioritized manner so the CDS Board is apprised of problem issues
and completed issues prior to the next scheduled board meeting was made by Shawn
Willcott and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Gene Miesse volunteered to perform this activity.
2) Budget 2002
a) Parking Permits.
A motion to eliminate the printing of Parking Permits for 2002 was made by Shawn
Willcott and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
b) Work Weekend(s) Projects and Scheduling:
Item tabled until next board meeting
c) Home owners information packet
A motion to have Anne Giannelli contact Mann Properties and request a copy of
the current “Home Owners Information Packet”, review the current
information and prepare recommendations for changes to the CDS Board of Directors
was made by Anne Giannelli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Outstanding issues/project priority:
1. Roof Repair
2. 770 Building repairs and associated work on 600 & 700 Buildings.
3. Exterior Compliance follow-up.
4. Neil Foote replacement
Next Board Meeting:
Saturday November 10th, 2001 at 9:00AM, unit 716.
On a motion to adjourn by Bob Siskind Tom Chmiola adjourned the meeting at 11:12 am.
Prepared by:
C.E. “Gene” Miesse