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JUNE 30, 2001

The meeting was called to order at 11:05am in unit #716 by Tom Chmiola

Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Anne Giannelli, Shawn Willcott, Tom Chmiola and Buck Mann
Board members Absent:
Bob Siskind and Vic Saville

A motion to approve the minutes from the May 26, 2001 meeting was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
1) Correct the date to read May 26, 2001
The motion as amended was passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Results:
Buck covered the financial results as of 6/26/01.
A motion to accept the financial report as presented was made by Frank Dean and Seconded.
1) The financials are to be sent to the membership along with the May 26th, 2001 CDS Board Meeting Minutes.
2) Mann Properties will prepare a cover to the financials explaining that appropriate action will be taken on all delinquent association fees.
3) Mann properties will also provide a copy of their procedure for handling of delinquent accounts.
The motion as amended was passed unanimously.

Old Business:
1) The pilings that need to be tapped back down due to winter freezing have still not been completed. Buck Mann advised that company he had arranged to do the work has told him they would get to it as soon as possible. Due to the long length of time that has already passed Buck said he would try to find someone else that could do the work but wasn’t real optimistic.

2) Unit 726 door color non-compliance:
A motion to have Mann Properties notify the owners that the door will be painted and material and labor costs charged to them if the non-compliance is not corrected within 5 days of the notification was made by Frank Dean and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

3) Unit 648 removal of grids from slider:
A motion to have Mann Properties proceed with the removal of the grids was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

4) The rear deck outside water supply for Units 770A – D has not been repaired. This is an ongoing problem since the winter of 1999-2000. Buck advised he would look into this again.

5) Anne Giannelli asked about charges for the Raccoon removal. Buck advised that the owner had partially paid and that Mann Properties was billing the owner for the remainder.

New Business:
1) Unit 650 has installed a new front door and it is not in compliance with association standards. Buck was not aware of the new door and will notify the owners of the requirements.

We agreed that if the owners of a unit do not take corrective action to bring their unit into compliance, the Association will. The work will be authorized by the Association, the homeowner will be billed, if not collected in a reasonable amount of time, and legal action will be taken to secure payment along with any legal costs incurred. This was agreed upon unanimously.

2) The asphalt is caving away where the unit structure meets the paving between units 770A and 770B. There is a hole to the under structure that small animals could easily enter. Buck will research the problem.

3) It was noted that some units have old defective air conditioning units left on roof tops. Buck will research and notify owners of requirement to remove and costs associated with removal.

4) The board would like to review Neal’s (the maintenance man) contract prior to next renewal. Buck agreed.

5) Tom Chmiola advised that the protective plastic he had installed last year under his unit was torn to shreds by the plumbers, employed by the Association, when they were working under his unit to heat tape wrap water pipes. Buck said he would investigate.

Next Board Meeting:
Saturday September 1st ,2001 at 4:00PM.

On a motion to adjourn by Gene Miesse the meeting was adjourned by Tom Chmiola at 12:15PM

Prepared by:
C.E. “Gene” Miesse