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MAY 26, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 9:00am in unit #716 by Tom Chmiola
Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Bob Siskind, Anne Giannelli, Shawn Willcott, Vic Saville,
Tom Chmiola
Tom Chmiola stated the purpose of the meeting, which was;
Election of officers
Appointment of replacement for Bill Cioccio who has resigned from the board
A motion to retain the existing officers was made by Frank Dean and seconded
by Shawn Willcott.
The motion carried unanimously.
A motion to appoint Bob Siskind as Board of Directors member and Treasurer (to
fill the vacancy left by Bill Cioccio’s resignation) was made by Frank
Dean and seconded by Vic Saville.
The motion carried unanimously.
Old Business:
New Business:
There was a long discussion regarding the Condo Association documentation, where
it should be kept and for how long. Dean noted that there are two kinds of records,
1) meeting minutes and 2) financial records. The retention period and where
the documentation should reside may be different for each of the types. The
timeliness and review of meeting minutes was also discussed. These discussions
resulted in the following action items:
? Tom Chmiola will check with Buck to find out what documentation is available.
? Tom Chmiola will write Buck and advise him that we need the minutes from board
meetings within 5 working days after the meeting. The board members will then
have 5 working days to respond with any changes. Finalized minutes will be forwarded
to the Board of Directors within five working days. Minutes will be approved
at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting and distributed to the Casa
Del Sol membership within 5 working days.
Next Board Meeting:
Saturday June 30, 2001 at 11:00AM.
The meeting was adjourned by Tom Chmiola.
Prepared by:
C.E. “Gene” Miesse